Mission Statement
To achieve superior growth and returns for our clients by delivering the latest technology and services to improve efficiency, increase recovery, reduce costs and maximize production.
**CDCS carries specialized COVID-19 liability insurance to eliminate any liability for our customers and guarantee all CDCS Consultants will be taken care of by CDCS under all circumstances.**
Company Policies
- To supply experienced and motivated management, engineering and operational supervisory personnel to carry out operations while training national staff in skills and work ethics.
- Supply dedicated personnel with a combination past experience in Libyan and other international projects and the newest technologies to achieve the safest, cleanest, most efficient and cost-effective operations possible.
- Provide a politically neutral workplace.
- Insure the safety of the personnel, local residents, worksites and the environment.
- Provide a clean, safe, healthy and positive workspace in all work and living areas for all staff: national and expatriate.
- Provide field services, equipment, parts, spare parts, maintenance, inspections services, engineering expertise and service for all upstream and midstream operations on or offshore.
Leadership Team – CDCS leadership team has over 70 years experience in international upstream integrated project management.
Kirk Cottrell - CEO - Kirk brings over 25 years of International drilling and completions integrated project management experience to the team. The first 10 years of Drilling, Completion and Workover operational and management experience in Canada; followed by 15 years of experience in Executive and Operational Management of new and existing oilfields on and offshore in Libya, Algeria, The UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Nigeria, Chad, Ivory Coast as well as Central America, South America and Trinidad.
Throughout Kirk's career he has focused on providing exemplary customer service with the latest technologies to optimize operations and provide the best possible results for his partners and clients.
Andrew Caruso - COO - Andy brings 30 years of domestic and International oil and gas and mining experience to the team. Andy has extensive engineering, operations and field experience in the Canada, United States, Central Asia, Australia, Africa and South America.
Nyamu H. Githaka - Head of Sub-Sahara Africa - With an extensive and proven professional background, Nyamu has thrived within government institutions, spearheading collaborative initiatives for project and program delivery across diverse industries such as energy, petroleum, agriculture, health, water and sanitation, and infrastructure development. Nyamu's expertise encompasses a thorough understanding of bureaucracy, national policies, geopolitics, regulatory frameworks, and inter-governmental relationship principles, positioning them as a leader capable of providing invaluable guidance for efficient project delivery.
Over a distinguished career spanning more than two decades, Nyamu has amassed hands-on experience, specializing in leading multi-ministerial, multinational, multicultural, and multi-sector teams. Their strengths shine in delivering essential leadership, particularly within the intricate landscape of government projects.
Moreover, Nyamu possesses a deep understanding of government structures throughout Africa, excelling in structuring, restructuring, and re-engineering frameworks to optimize the efficient delivery of various projects and programs. Additionally, they have demonstrated a proven ability to conduct high-level meetings with government officials and facilitate workshops and training sessions focused on policy review and the development of supportive laws and regulations.
Nyamu's expertise further extends to stakeholder management, adept negotiation skills, and the seamless execution of diverse government-related Project Agreements. This includes proficiency in Government Implementation and Support Arrangements, Letters of Support, Financing Agreements, and Public-Private Partnership arrangements.
Above all, Nyamu Githaka's ultimate goal is to actively contribute to the successful implementation of numerous long-term sustainable development projects and programs across the continent of Africa.
Alhakel Allebee Oil Services Co. - Agent for Libya
Alhakel Allebee Oil Services Co. was established in 2006 in accordance with the prevailing legislation as a Libyan joint stock company operating in the field of providing all locally and internationally recognized oil services. Alhakel Allebee Oil Services Co. is currently managed by a qualified and experienced team in its core activities.
The company utilizes expertise and personnel associated with the execution of it's core services whenever necessary and in the best interest of the key business activities.
The company, with all its personnel and departments is committed to good performance, maintaining service quality, complying with occupational safety conditions and preserving the environment according to Libyan and international standards.
Benefit from having a complete Drilling, Completions & Production Operations Department at your disposal ...only when you need it!
The project management division offers the client engineering, operational and technical expertise. In addition to operating wells in Canada CDCS has been actively involved operating projec
Benefit from having a complete Drilling, Completions & Production Operations Department at your disposal ...only when you need it!
The project management division offers the client engineering, operational and technical expertise. In addition to operating wells in Canada CDCS has been actively involved operating projects in Libya, Syria, the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Guatemala, Colombia, Trinidad, China, offshore East Coast of Canada and offshore China.
Several International operators currently utilize CDCS as their in-house drilling, completions & production operations group.
In today's economic climate the fiscal health of the small, medium and large sized operators rely on the success of each well drilled, completed, worked over, re-entered or re-completed.
CDCS removes the need for operators to hire staff by providing an in-house drilling and completions department that is fully supported by the CDCS team during ongoing development or exploratory operations.
CDCS matches expertise to each specific operation and can call upon those with highly specialized experience for nearly any drilling, completion or workover situation.
CDCS can solve your well operations concerns whether you are dealing with drilling operations, completions/workover operations or reactivating a well or an entire field.
With 20 years of serving operators with drilling, completion and workover engineering and well-site supervision worldwide, CDCS offers a complete "Drop-in" Drilling, Completions and Production Operations Department with a self-contained suite of expertise and services to assure safety, regulatory compliance, optimum well design, project management, supervision, HSE, civil construction and logistics.
Complimenting the Drilling, Completions & Production Operations groups; CDCS's experienced Production Asset Management (PAM) Team can help you find efficiencies and optimize your field to maximize production when you plan to re-work an existing field.
CDCS also offers "Drop-in" Accounting Teams: Rather than engage full time accounting personnel, operators can now outsource their project accounting functions to CDCS's experienced team of accounting professionals.
The CDCS team can handle budgeting, cost control/reporting, AP/AR for civil construction, drilling completions and other operations. To decrease your costs and headaches and strengthen the odds for success by calling CDCS today.
We provide experienced, dependable project management staff to oil & gas operations around the globe.
Our team knows how to get the job done, and is insured, certified to be IRP (industry recommended practices) #7 and IRP #16 compliant.
CDCS maintains a certification database that allows us to ensure that a supervisor's tickets are always current before they go out on any job. CDCS senior technical staff are available on a 24 hour/day back-up to all of our international supervisors and engineers.
CDCS drilling supervisors have experience in all aspects of directional drilling, including: highly faulted formations, long reach horizontal, and SAGD; various mud systems including: gel chemistry, invert, polymer, silicate, air drilling, under-balanced, and reverse circulating.
All operations have the option to utilize a proprietary optimization system www.superiorqc.com providing operators with real time optimization of the following:
Real time survey management.
CDCS maintains relations with a wide variety of service and supply sector companies in all areas of our industry and globally.
In our version of Integrated Services these relationships allow us to transparently and economically manage any or all services and suppliers with 3rd party invoicing to the client.
We contract the latest technology, services and suppliers on a well specific basis through our extensive network that are deployed on all operations.
"Specialized services include: critical sour, multi-well project co-ordination, cost drilling, deep foothills, salt cavern storage, and remote location operations"
Once the scope of work is established, our team works with you to determine the type and level of experience necessary to complete the work in a safe and efficient manner.
That information is then matched to the best possible supervisor for the job. CDCS supervisors are assigned to operations where the scope of work is closely related to their strengths and experience level. CDCS supervisors are all IRP (industry recommended practices) #7 and #16 compliant.
This ensures personnel are fully qualified to manage the safety of the operation.
CDCS completions/workover supervisors have experience in all aspects of conventional and non-conventional well completions, including: CBM, shallow gas, heavy oil, HPHT, critical sour, multi-zone and directional completions/workovers.
CDCS provides experienced wellsite, road and civil construction supervisors worldwide. Through a broad network of contacts spanning a variety of industries, CDCS can source specialized construction and maintenance expertise.
CDCS engineering support personnel have hundreds of years of experience in domestic and international completions and production operations and provide multi-well project coordination and supervision.
CDCS drilling, completions/ workover & Construction supervisors have experience in all parts of the MENA Region.
Many of our supervisors are educated in and have experience with the sensitivity required to work with the local culture as well as sensitivity to the environmental issues which can determine the success of a project.
CDCS pre-qualifies all well site supervisors for technical competence and demand that they retain a minimum IRP#7 (industry recommended practices) level of safety certifications.
CDCS provides ongoing soft skill development, performance feed back and the resources to maintain a safe, healthy work environment.
We are extremely proud of our COR and safety records over the past 20 years and continually strive to improve. CDCS drilling, completions, workover & construction supervisors have experience in all parts of North Africa as well as many other areas around the globe.
CDCS Safety
Our safety professionals have experience in all aspects of safety management systems applicable to your exploration and production operations, including:
CDCS's drilling rigs are fit for purpose designed with the latest technology.
We offer 1000HP, 1500HP and 2000HP Top Drive drilling rigs with pad move walking systems for sale or contract operations.
A complete rig inventory and specifications will be provided upon request.
Basic rig packages will include t
CDCS's drilling rigs are fit for purpose designed with the latest technology.
We offer 1000HP, 1500HP and 2000HP Top Drive drilling rigs with pad move walking systems for sale or contract operations.
A complete rig inventory and specifications will be provided upon request.
Basic rig packages will include the following:
- Camp based on project requirements
- Drill pipe, collars and handling equipment tailored to the project specifications and complete BOP systems with sizes and pressure ratings based on project requirements
- Fishing tools determined by project requirements
- Front end loader/fork lift and crane and if required all additional equipment needed to move the rig and avoid logistical delays.
A complete rig inventory and specifications will be provided upon request.
All drilling rigs will be supplied with all required additional services for operations, camp facilities and rig moves as requested by operators based on well specifications and logistical specifics.
Fishing equipment. Required fishing tools will require input from NWD prior to adding a list of possible fishing tools to the package. We have a long term relationship with an International fishing company based in Houston, Texas and Calgary, Canada so we are able to supply a completely tailored set of fishing tools with redundancy for all drilling rigs that are operating.
Transport. Each rig delivered will include a front end loader and fork lift or combination unit and a crane.
All trucks and additional cranes required for rig moves can also be supplied with each drilling rig.
Depending on logistics we may be able to service multiple rigs with one set of trucks/cranes and the required trucks/cranes may be able to service both drilling and service rig operations.
Guaranteed, each delivered rig will be supplied with and/or and have access to the required transportation equipment to facilitate rig moves without logistical delays.
Tubulars. Necessary tubulars will be provided based on operator requirements based on well specifications.
Downhole Motors. Necessary downhole motors tailored to the wellbore specifications and bit requirements can be supplied for all drilling rigs.
We are able to provide the leading motor and bit technology for an operators operations as determined by the operator and wellbore specifications/engineering.
Drilling Fluids. CDCS has access to wholesale drilling fluids in the region and we can supply the required drilling fluids to optimize the drilling operation and preserve the formation to maximize production.
Drilling Fluids Remediation. CDCS
has access to the latest technology for handling of and disposal of drilling fluids and drilling cuttings to allow for the least possible disposal and the ability to maximize remediation of drilling fluids and drilling cuttings.
Camp facilities. All rigs will be supplied with camps as required. Size of camp will be based on guidance from operator prior to mobilization.
Camp requirements can not be determined until the personnel requirements are determined for each drilling operation/region of operation.
Once determined the required camp will be supplied with each rig. Depending on logistics a single camp may be able to service more than one rig and the camp size to be delivered can be adjusted accordingly.
At this time we will propose supplying a 100 person camp with each drilling rig until final details are received from operators.
Safety. Every rig is certified and operates to Canadian IRP safety standards.
If additional safety systems are required for an operation after reviewing operator policies and procedures the required systems and services will be put in place with each rig delivered.
Security. Operators will have to instruct CDCS as to the security requirements based on each operating area for each rig supplied.
Welding/cutting equipment and personnel will be provided for each rig based on operator requirements and depending on logistics we may be able to service multiple rigs with a team of personnel and equipment.
This service may also be supplied locally.
Communications. Required cell phones/satellite phones/satellite internet and EDR equipment will be determined based on area of operation and existing infrastructure for each rig.
CDCS is please to provide comprehensive parts and service worldwide for your existing fleet of drilling rigs.
CDCS's service rigs are designed for quick, compact set-up and low maintenance to ensure optimal service performance for our customers.
The service rigs, pump and tanks, accumulators, blow out preventers, pipe racks, doghouses, boilers and other support equipment are all designed with the q
CDCS's service rigs are designed for quick, compact set-up and low maintenance to ensure optimal service performance for our customers.
The service rigs, pump and tanks, accumulators, blow out preventers, pipe racks, doghouses, boilers and other support equipment are all designed with the quickest assembly time.
Currently CDCS has 6 free standing, Nace trim, fully certified and identical 650 HP 225,000lb capacity double tbg, triple rod, fully mobile triple axil drive, tandem axel steering carrier units.
All rig components, pumps, tanks, dog house, BOP/accumulator, piping and tools are truck or trailer mounted as part of the package.
A complete rig inventory and specifications will be provided based on project requirements.
The basic rig packages will include the following:
- Camp facilities
- Tbg handling equipment for 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 3-1/2” and if requested 4-1/2”
- Complete BOP systems with sizes and pressure ratings based on project requirements.
- 1 year of supply of spare parts.
- Complete set of swabbing equipment 2-3/8”, 2-7/8”, 3-1/2” and if requested 4-1/2” including all expendables in volumes to be determined for sale or contract operations.
All CDCS service rigs are fully certified and Nace trim certified for sour operations.
Service Rigs are built to move the basic rig package with no assistance.
- Rig tanks are trailer mounted and towed by the truck mounted pumping units
- The dog house is a trailer mounted unit with a light plant, accumulator tool room, office/change room and toilet hauled by a bed truck with a small crane in place. The accumulator and light plant are sized to accommodate the equipment and services listed above.
As specified and required by operator to fulfill their requirements the following additions and modifications can be put in place with place prior to delivery:
- Larger than noted tbg & csg sizes, the 7” 5000 psi BOP’s can be replaced with 10” 5000 psi units and larger accumulators.
- Additional handling equipment would be put in place as required.
- Additional adapter flanges would be placed in inventory.
- If required larger lubricator bodies would also be added.
- Higher formation pressures, 5000 psi equipment would be replaced with 10,000 psi equipment if required prior to delivery as requested by operators based on well specifications.
Should discussions with operators indicate that the existing 180 bbl rig tanks are insufficient for hole volume or well control, additional tankage can be added to the basic package as required.
The same principle would apply to fuel storage. A larger onsite tank can be added easily for fluids and/or fuel storage.
Power tongs. The current units are equipped to handle tbg sizes to 5”. If there is a requirement to handle 7” tbg each supplied rig will have the necessary handling tools.
Swabbing. All equipment required to swab tbg from 2-3/8” up to 3-1/2” is in place with the rigs presented in this document. If there is larger tbg involved or if the possibility of csg swabs is required, we would add adapter subs or adapter flanges along with larger lubricators as required. A supply of expendables (swab cups, pack off rubbers, sand flags, rope socket, Babbitt etc.) would be included prior to the move and as agreed with operator based on well specifications.
Camp facilities. All rigs will be supplied with camps as required. Size of camp will be based on guidance from operator prior to mobilization. Camp requirements can not be determined until protocol for the service rigs is identified. Will the service rigs operate (12hrs/day or 24hrs/day) and what are the personnel requirements for each operation outside of the standard rig crew and service personnel requirements.
Once determined the required camp will be supplied with each rig.
Depending on logistics a single camp may be able to service more than one rig and the camp size can be adjusted accordingly.
Safety. Every rig is certified and operates to Canadian IRP safety standards. If additional safety systems are required for Libya after reviewing operator policies and procedures the required systems and services will be put in place with each rig delivered.
Security. operators will have to instruct CDCS as to the security requirements based on each operating area for each rig supplied.
Fishing equipment. Required fishing tools will require input from operator prior to adding a list of possible fishing tools to the package. We have connections with several fishing companies and could consider a basic package for each rig or possibly a fully stocked centralized container and fishing tool service container based on the ability to move between rigs as required.
Transport. Each rig will include a front end loader and fork lift or combination unit. If trucks are required for rig moves the necessary trucks will also be supplied.
Depending on logistics we may be able to service multiple rigs with one set of trucks and the required trucks may be able to service both drilling and service rig operations.
Each delivered rig will be supplied and have access to the required transportation equipment to facilitate rig moves without logistical delays.
Tubulars. Necessary tubulars will be provided based on operator requirements based on well specifications.
Power swivels & power units, packoff heads, downhole motors and anti-torque heads will be provided as requested by operator based on well specifications.
Welding/cutting equipment and personnel will be provided for each rig based on operator requirements and depending on logistics we may be able to service multiple rigs with a team of personnel and equipment.
This service may also be supplied locally.
Communications. Required cell phones/satellite phones/satellite internet and EDR equipment will be determined based on area of operation and existing infrastructure for each rig.
CDCS is please to provide comprehensive parts and service worldwide for your existing fleet of service rigs.
CDCS offers a full spectrum of field services including installation, equipment, parts, maintenance, inspections and repairs.
Our inspectors are qualified by certification and many years of oilfield experience. CDCS can perform on-site annual inspections. Inspections are completed according to API recommended practices 4G. Levels III and IV and visual inspections are reported on the standard 4G format.
When equipment repairs are needed our inspectors will develop a list of materials necessary to complete the repairs and source and provide the materials and parts to bring the structure to certifiable working condition. CDCS's inspectors will remain at the site to oversee and project manage the repairs using certified materials and certified personnel.
CDCS has a substantial inventory of required parts and equipment for all makes and models of drilling and service rigs and facilities and the ability to source parts and equipment at competitive prices worldwide through our joint ventures, partnerships and global supply network.
In an emergency, when well operations are effected unexpectedly our service department is on call 24/7 and our personnel can be deployed immediately to get to your location as quickly as possible reducing effective downtime and revenue loss. Our experienced personnel will assist the crew in resolving the situation promptly and safely and get your project back up and operational as soon as possible.
CDCS's service department is dedicated to providing our customers with the most efficient, complete, safe and professional services possible. Just like the drilling and service rigs we manufacture, CDCS's field services, inspection services, maintenance and repair services and certified parts supply are synonymous with quality, integrity and reliability.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Serraj - Janzour Area, Tripoli, Libya
Rida Ghamaj, CEO - CDCS Agent Email: rida@alhakel-allebee.com Mobile: +218 91 220 2459
Open today | 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m. |
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
1020, 909 - 11 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2R 1L7
Kirk Cottrell - CEO Email: kirk@cdcsli.com Mobile: +1.403.816.1546 WhatsApp: +1.403.816.1546 Andrew Caruso - COO andrew@cdcsli.com Mobile: +1.403.510.9270 WhatsApp: +61.439.981.769
Open today | 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m. |
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Cra 7B Bis # 126-36, Bogota, Colombia
Email: info@cdcsli.com Mobile: +57.302.366.9576
Open today | 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m. |
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Riara Close (Off Riara Road), Plot 330/506, Nairobi, Kenya
Nyamu H. Githaka - Head of Sub-Sahara Africa Mobile: +254.722.736.944 Email: nyamu.githaka@cdcsli.com
Open today | 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m. |
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